Live Pairs Feed
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Last updated
Photon gives our users a real-time view of any and all live pairs that have recently launched.
You can see new tokens that have recently launched and important information about each one such as:
-Created time
-Initial/Current Liquidity (sort by desc/asc order)
-FDV (sort by desc/asc order)
-TXNS (Total transactions of this pair over the last 24hrs and ratio of buy vs sell transactions)
-Volume (sort by desc/asc order)
-Buy/Sell Tax
-Audit Results
We provide additional filters to help you discover new pairs and spot early buying opportunities that match any combination of your custom set of criteria, including:
-Liquidity added
-Amount of liquidity (you can input any $ amount)
-If a token has socials/website available
-If a token has passed all Audit Results
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, you have access to the Quick Buy button at all times from the New Pairs page. This allows you to buy any new tokens you see in a total of 2 clicks.
You can input any amount that you'd like to use Quick Buy with, as well as toggle it on or off. If speed is important to you, we recommend leaving Quick Buy on, so you can minimize the number of steps before you successfully purchase a token.